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Where has the year gone!!!

It is nearly a year ago to the day when my ms stem cell journey begun and it is only now that I am beginning to reflect on what has happened, where the year has gone and what I have accomplished.

Before I tell you about myself, I just want to send Paul, Anita and his entire family big love and strength at this important time of there lives. A little fairy contacted me through this site (efcharistó Eleanor) to tell me that Paul was about to begin his own journey with HSCT and how my journey is helping the family to understand what he might be going through (purpose of sharing my journey complete).

Paul, you have an amazing team of staff around you (as I believe you are on the same ward that I was) and you are in the safest of hands possible. If you have even the smallest of questions... just ask them, no question is a silly one. Plus, you could always drop me a line if you ever want to ask someone who has been through it all? Please say hello to Nader, Matt, Dr Chris (aka crazy hair) (my re-birth team).

So back to my year... After my 5 minutes of fame with national and international news on my stem cell journey, it took me a while to settle back into what was going to be the beginning of the rest of my life. However... I was back at work full-time with 10 weeks and it was as though nothing had really happened?

In the early weeks/months I did have quite a few infections which thankfully the various types of antibiotics I came home with helped me through and had one small relapse which I had been told would probably happen at some point within the first 18 months. Thankfully there was no need for any real medical intervention.

My hair has finally grown back and my weight has gone back up to normal again... I really must do something about that?

I have also since had two MRI's both of which have shown no new lesions or activity which could only suggest the transplant is working?

I have been able to play football with my boys, learnt to ride a motorbike which is awesome and slowly adjusting to what is a normal life without any medical treatment.

When I ask the neurologist what happens now she replied... "Mark, just enjoy life". So that is what I am trying to do. I find it hard to believe that I have had no medical treatment for the ms now for over 18 months. No planning my life around treatment days and hospital appoinments each month... Its surreal.

So whats next? Now I am writing a new chapter of my life called How to live life to the max!

I do however have to remember that the ms is still there inside me and some of the ms symptoms are still present, but its all about learning about your body again and finding your limits. I am beginning to find my limits now and know if I just put one toe over the line I will suffer for it with serious fatigue, loss of mobility in my legs etc, etc.

Its all about learning again!

Big love

Mark xx

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